The Crew Container: A Multifunctional Gym Space and Storage Unit.

The Crew Container is a unique concept that was developed through a partnership between Gym Marine, Salt Lick Fitness, and Derecktor. It is a shipping container that has been transformed into a versatile gym facility and storage unit. A demonstration and fitness training session with Salt Lick Fitness was held in conjunction with the debut of the Crew Container. The local yachting press and crew members of superyachts were invited to participate in the gathering.

In 2023, Gym Marine selected Salt Lick Fitness to serve as their crew wellness partner. When Derecktor approached Gym Marine with the idea of a container gym for their shipyard, the two companies immediately began working on developing the concept. They discovered that there was a vacuum in the market for gym facilities located at shipyards, refit centres, and distant areas all over the world.

Derecktor was in charge of the fit out of this first Crew Container. They utilised Gym Marine's design experience as well as Salt Lick's understanding of the needs for crew training and the equipment that crew members want to use.

“It’s been months in the making, development, and testing, and seeing the first Crew Container unit completed and in action is an exciting moment for everyone who’s been involved. The launch event was fantastic, and it was great to put a few guests through their paces! We showed them cardio training, strength exercises, and how to create group circuits utilising the full array of equipment. 15 crew can easily use the Container at the same time.” – Tom and Christie, Salt Lick Fitness

A roller door on the front of the Container opens to enable access to the bigger pieces of equipment, and pull-up bars are attached to the front of the unit. The Container includes weight racks that are concealed with an opening panel on one end, and it measures 7.46 metres by 3.12 metres and is 2.8 metres high.

A Concept 2 RowErg, a Concept 2 SkiErg, a Concept 2 BikeErg, a Salt Lick Crew Bench, Hampton power bands, slam balls, dumbbells, a punchbag, and battle ropes are some of the pieces of equipment that have been put inside of this initial Container.

Discover More: Gym Marine